Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 26: 127-146 (1988)

原著論文Original Article

画像工学研究者における情報伝達の実態分析An analysis of research communication patterns in image engineering

発行日:1989年3月25日Published: March 25, 1989

Informal communication patterns of engineers who engage in image engineering research—a new-born, rapidly developing field—were investigated. Questionnaire survey, conducted among the researchers in universities and research laboratories in public and private sectors, was followed by interviews to those selected because of their high frequency of communication with various colleagues and functioning as nodes for their groups.

This paper depicted some characteristics of the researchers in the field including: 1) a large, complicated network consisting of 256 engineers in total, and 19 small groups consisting of 2 to 19 engineers, 2) 16 gatekeepers in the large network, 3) gatekeepers playing roles as “node” which trasfer the current information among organizations, 4) three types of gate-keepers identified: “research manager”, “research specialist”, and “theme originator”. It was also found that the gatekeepers occupy the relevant positions to their roles in their affiliated organizations.

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