Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 45: 31-71 (2001)

原著論文Original Article

公共図書館へのマーケティング概念導入の意義「公共性」に基づく外部環境適応の視座Significance of introducing marketing concept to public libraries: Viewpoint for adapting to outside environment based on the concept of “public responsibility”

国立国会図書館National Diet Library ◇ 〒100-8924 東京都千代田区永田町一丁目10番1号 ◇ Nagatacho 1-10-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8924, Japan

受付日:2002年6月18日Received: June 18, 2002
受理日:2002年12月19日Accepted: December 19, 2002
発行日:2003年2月28日Published: February 28, 2003

The purpose of this article is to propose introducing a marketing concept in public libraries is defined as a key concept to build a long-term relation with various stakeholders including customers and improve the effect on the whole society. Secondly, “public responsibility of libraries” is summarised as the basis of marketing in public libraries. One is to correct market failure from the viewpoint of economics, and the other is to contribute to the formation of public knowledge from the viewpoint of sociology. In the third part, the author advocates nich strategy as the optimal solution to such social expectation. Furthermore, the framework of competitive analysis aiming to understand the outside environment is suggested.

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