Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 66: 61-80 (2011)

原著論文Original Article

短期大学図書館に求められる機能図書館員と学長,事務部長による認識Functions required for junior college libraries: Awareness of librarians, presidents and secretary generals

横浜美術大学図書館Yokohama College of Art and Design Library ◇ 〒227-0033 神奈川県横浜市青葉区鴨志田町1204番地 ◇ Kamoshidacho 1204, Yokohama Aoba-ku, Kanagawa 227-0033, Japan

受付日:2010年2月13日Received: February 13, 2010
受理日:2011年9月8日Accepted: September 8, 2011
発行日:2011年12月26日Published: December 26, 2011



【結果】図書館員が学長および事務部長よりも重要視した項目は「図書館員の学習・研究支援」の中のレファレンスサービス業務であった。図書館員が事務部長よりも重要視したものは6項目で,「資料保存・管理」の中の社会的資料センターとしての役割,「相互利用」の中の学外資料の利用,「オンラインサービスの導入」の中のウェブ上でのOPAC公開と, 図書館ホームページの開設,「図書館員による教育活動」の中の図書館利用指導,「図書館員の学習・研究支援」の中の図書館員を中心とした蔵書構築であった。学長が図書館員よりも重要視したものは「資料保存・管理」の中の社会的資料センターとしての役割と,「利用拡大」の中の図書館の学外への開放の2項目であった。

Purpose: This research examined the awareness of librarians, presidents and secretary generals regarding how junior college libraries support education and research activities.

Methods: Questionnaires were sent between June and September 2008 to the librarians, presidents and secretary generals of every junior colleges in Japan that has an independent library. The questionnaires contained 14 questions covering seven fields: 1) preservation and management of library materials, 2) interlibrary access, 3) enhancing library use, 4) introduction of online services, 5) educational activities by librarians, 6) learning and research support services by librarians and 7) library as a place. Valid responses were obtained from 146 librarians, 110 presidents and 124 secretary generals.

Results: Librarians generally place greater importance on reference services in the field of learning and research support services than presidents and secretary generals, and place particular emphasis than secretary generals on the following six areas: 1) functions as an information center for external citizens in the area of preservation and management of library materials, 2) use of extramural libraries in the interlibrary access, 3) provision of web-OPAC services in the introduction of online services, 4) construction of library website in the introduction of online services, 5) library use education in the educational activities by librarians and 6) collection development in the learning and research support services. On the other hand, presidents are more interested in the functions of their library as an information center for citizens in the area of preservation and management of library materials and its open-door policy of library to the general public in enhancing library use than librarians.

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