Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 72: 63-93 (2014)

原著論文Original Article

韓国人・団体著者名典拠データの表記の相違韓国,日本,台湾,香港を中心にDifferences in representations of Korean personal and corporate name authority data: A comparison between South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

慶應義塾大学大学院文学研究科図書館・情報学専攻Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Keio University ◇ 〒108-8345 東京都港区三田二丁目15番45号 ◇ Mita 2-15-45, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan

受付日:2014年5月23日Received: May 23, 2014
受理日:2014年9月29日Accepted: September 29, 2014
発行日:2014年12月30日Published: December 30, 2014




Purpose: This study aims to compare representations of Korean personal and corporate name authority data in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Library of Congress (LC) in order to identify differences and issues affecting name authority data sharing.

Method: First, characteristics of Korean personal and corporate name representations were overviewed. Second, from these characteristics, five check points considered to be important in creating Korean name authority data were set. Subsequently, manuals, formats, and case reports of organizations were collected, and face-to-face interviews were conducted. Available data were also used to confirm actual authority data.

Results: Of the eight organizations studied, (1) Hangul script forms are mandatory in three organizations. (2) Hanja script forms are mandatory in only one organization. (3) Romanized forms are mandatory in four organizations, but Romanization schemas are different among organizations. Thus, Romanized names are not strong candidate keys for data identification. (4) Organizations in Japan and Taiwan separate surnames and given names in all forms of names, but other organizations examined in this study separate them in Romanized forms only. (5) Some organizations adopt representations in their local language. Although only a few organizations adopt Hangul and Hanja script forms as mandatory, many organizations record them as variant access points if they are known. Since Hanja forms are often difficult to obtain, especially for relatively new authors, it is desirable to set Hangul script forms as strong possible keys for data identification, and to try to record Hanja and other designations as much as possible.

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