On-line cataloging system requires large scale MARC files, authority files and Data Base Management System. LC/MARC and UK/MARC use same format, but there are some differences between them, such as the punctuation handling, reference data fields, and the subject indexing.
IDEAS/77-MARC was developed for the on-line cataloging. This is a database, which consists of integrated MARC files (LC/MARC and UK/MARC) and LC/MARC (name authority). This database has many access points: control no., authors, titles, series titles, LC subject heading, PRECIS and KEY. KEY is special search key, and it consists of words in authors and titles.
Users are able to search the cataloging data by using on-line retrieval system IDEAS/77 and to edit and print retrieval records from database by user's program.
© 1980 三田図書館・情報学会© 1980 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
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