In Japan, the boom called “boom of health” has been created, so that, many magazines about health has been started. This phenomenon might be called the popularization of medical information.
The objective of this paper is to make clear the characteristics of popularization of professional information, taking the case of medical information, comparing contents of medical literatures and articles on health.
The framework of this paper is following; I. About popularization of professional information, II. About professional terms, III. Investigation, IV. Consideration, V. Conclusion.
The author made research for 50 medical literatures and 30 articles on health, using the method of content analysis, treating professional terms as measurement item.
As a result, on the occupancy rate of professional terms, there was a difference between medical literatures and articles on health. Therefore, the decrease of professional terms might be called one of the characteristics of popularizaton of professional information.
© 1984 三田図書館・情報学会
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