Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 60: 1-27 (2008)

原著論文Original Article

大学図書館における外部委託状況の量的調査A survey of outsourcing in academic libraries in Japan

筑波大学大学院図書館情報メディア研究科Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba ◇ 〒305-8550 茨城県つくば市春日一丁目2番地 ◇ Kasuga 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8550, Japan

受付日:2008年6月5日Received: June 5, 2008
受理日:2008年8月26日Accepted: August 26, 2008
発行日:2008年12月31日Published: December 31, 2008



【結果】調査結果は次の通りである。(1)外部委託は業務の専門性を問わず広範囲で行われている。(2) 整理・閲覧など図書館固有の業務を委託する場合には委託範囲が業務全体に及ぶ場合が多い。(3)国公立大学よりも私立大学,研究重視型の大学よりも教育重視型の大学で外部委託が進んでいる。(4)規模の大きい図書館で各業務を委託している割合が高いが,企画・立案や選書等まで含めた委託については規模による差が小さく,むしろ中規模館のほうが進んでいる場合もある。(5)外部委託の進行状況については地域差があり,地方よりも都市部で委託化が進んでいる。特に近畿地方で閲覧関連業務の委託化が進んでいる。これらの結果から,都市部にある中規模・教育重視型の私立大学において現在最も図書館業務全体の外部委託(全面委託)化が進んでおり,委託を受け入れる市場も成熟しつつある。これらの大学で今後さらに委託化が進んでいくことが予想される。

Purpose: In recent years, university management has been required to be more effcient and outsourcing has been increasingly used in academic libraries in Japan. However, since surveys have not been done to date on the current state of outsourcing in academic libraries in this country, the authors conducted a survey to provide an overview of the situation.

Methods: The survey was conducted from June to August 2007. The questionnaire was distributed to 704 academic libraries. Respondents were asked to indicate which of their services were outsourced by choosing “done by staff”, “outsourced” or “service is not offered” for each of 41 potential library operations. We received 358 valid responses: a response rate of 51%.

Results: We found the following; 1) Outsourcing is used for many services regardless of the expertise level required. 2) When a library outsources technical/public services, outsourcing often extends to the entire range of the service. 3) Outsourcing is more extensive at private education-oriented universities than at national/public research-oriented universities. 4) Outsourcing is more prevalent in libraries of a larger scale except with regards to management operations. 5) Outsourcing is used more often in urban areas. In particular, public services are often outsourced in the Kinki region. As a result, we were able to conclude that academic library outsourcing is most widely used in private, medium scale and educational-oriented universities in urban areas. It is expected that the use of outsourcing will continue to expand at such universities in the future.

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