探究学習のための一般的ルーブリックの開発Development of a general rubric for the inquiry learning
明星学園中学校Myojo Gakuen Junior High School ◇ 〒181-0001 東京都三鷹市井の頭五丁目7番7号 ◇ Inokashira 5-7-7, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0001, Japan
明星学園中学校Myojo Gakuen Junior High School ◇ 〒181-0001 東京都三鷹市井の頭五丁目7番7号 ◇ Inokashira 5-7-7, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0001, Japan
Purpose: A rubric is a tool that can be used to measure achievements during the learning process. It is suitable as an assessment tool in inquiry learning and emphasizes the learning process. The purpose of this study is to develop a general rubric that can be used in inquiry learning in Japan.
Methods: I developed a general rubric for inquiry learning using the following steps. First, I examined the current state and problems of rubrics developed and used in the United States and prepared an original plan. Next, I developed a tentative plan for the rubric by: (1) having the original plan examined by Japanese school library officials, (2) revising the original plan based on Japanese educational practices and the course of study in Japan, and (3) reviewing the revised original plan in cooperation with school library officials. Finally, I interviewed teacher librarians and librarians to confirm the validity of the tentative plan and developed it as the general rubric for inquiry learning.
Results: The general rubric was named “i-Rubric”. The i-Rubric has nine criteria. Criteria in the elementary school version comprise 33 sub-criteria, each with three achievement levels, and those in the junior high school and high school versions comprise 38 sub-criteria, each with four achievement levels. After discussing the development of the i-Rubric as a general rubric for inquiry learning, its design features, and points to note in its practical use, I conclude that the i-Rubric is suitable as an assessment tool because it is exhaustive and specific.
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