Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 79: 85-107 (2018)

原著論文Original Article

図書館内の飲食可否に関する実態調査Allowing food and drinks in Japanese libraries: A survey of policies and implementation

1筑波大学大学院図書館情報メディア研究科図書館情報メディア専攻Course of Library, Information and Media Studies, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba ◇ 〒305-8550 茨城県つくば市春日一丁目2番地 ◇ Kasuga 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8550, Japan

2筑波大学図書館情報メディア系Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba ◇ 〒305-8550 茨城県つくば市春日一丁目2番地 ◇ Kasuga 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8550, Japan

受付日:2017年8月4日Received: August 4, 2017
受理日:2017年12月15日Accepted: December 15, 2017
発行日:2018年6月30日Published: June 30, 2018

【目的】近年,米国では“library as place(場所としての図書館)”という概念が広まり,利用者が長時間滞在しやすいよう飲食を許す図書館が現れている。一方,日本の多くの図書館では,従来館内飲食は許されないと言われてきた。だが,日本の館内飲食の現状や飲食許可による効果などは明らかにされていない。そこで本研究では,(1)日本の図書館における現在の飲食方針,(2)飲食による図書館資料への影響,(3)図書館利用者の館内飲食に対する反応,(4)図書館員の館内飲食に対する意見,(5)館内飲食許可の前後における図書館利用量の変化,を明らかにする。



Purpose: While more libraries in the United States are starting to allow food and drinks as a result of the rise of the “library as place” theme, the changing policies on food and drinks in Japanese libraries have not been studied. Therefore, we investigated Japanese libraries’ food and drink policies and their effect on library materials, as well as user reactions, librarians’ opinions of the policies, and changes in library usage after the introduction of the policies.

Methods: In 2015, we sent questionnaires to 1,000 libraries (500 public and 500 university), of which 356 public and 329 university libraries responded. We also investigated library usage (gate counts, loans, and reference transactions) both before and after the introduction of policies that allow food and drinks, and found that the numbers consistently increased after the policies were put in place.

Results: The results show that 56.2% of public and 62.3% of university libraries allow food and drinks. Only 4.0% of public and 14.6% of university libraries reported that these policies resulted in noticeable stains on library materials. The gate count for all public libraries, including those that did not allow food and drinks, increased by an average of 8.6%, while that for public libraries allowing food and drinks increased by 65.7%. Public libraries that allowed food and drinks saw a median 56.5% increase in the number of library loans. Therefore, allowing food and drinks may have positive effects on library usage.

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