Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science ISSN: 2435-8495
三田図書館・情報学会 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
〒108‒8345 東京都港区三田2‒15‒45 慶應義塾大学文学部図書館・情報学専攻内 c/o Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Library and Information Science 9: 301-308 (1971)

原著論文Original Article

二次情報誌の一評価法A method of evaluating secondary publications

発行日:1971年9月1日Published: September 1, 1971

As secondary services and publications are becoming multiform, any single measure of evaluation, such as time-lag or coverage, cannot meet diversifying requirements of present-day users. For retrospective search they must be as informative as possible, thoroughly indexed, with comprehensive coverage, although at the sacrifice of up-to-dateness. On the contrary, current-awareness services should be concise, clearly for matted, selective according to importance, and prompt.

For example the Japan Information Center's (JICST) Bunken Sokuho much meets the criteria for current-awareness service rather than those for retrospective search, as compared with the Chemical Abstracts.

When the time-lag and amount of imformation (in terms of number of lines per abstract) are taken as coordinates, the fitness for current-awareness or retrospective search is graphically shown. Samples were taken from various abstracting/indexing journals.

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