慶應義塾大学文学部図書館学科 ◇ 〒108-8345 東京都港区三田二丁目15番45号
Current national bibliographies must be regarded as the basis of the universal bibliography, and all bibliographical endeavors are at present focused upon those national bibliographies. The national bibliography, which is as much a tool for the future as for the immediate present, should ideally list promptly and exhaustively new publications.
The author tried to compare comprehensiveness and up-to-dateness possessed by such current national bibliographies as Nohon Shuho (Current Publications), Shuppan News (Publication News) and BNB. The comparison of Nohon Shuho with Shuppan News in respect to comprehensiveness was resulted in the following. The total number of entries in the issues of Nohon Shuho for the 1965 is 17,088, and those of Shuppan News for the same year 10,984. Checking of the entries of both listings revealed a high percentage of duplication. These bibliographies use a classified arrangement of entries. With the exception of children’s books, the number of entries in the Nohon Shuho exceeds that of Shuppan News. The time-lag in the appearance of items in the Nohon Shuho is not so discreditable as it is generally supposed; e.g., nearly 55 percent of items is listed within a month after their publication, as against 46 percent in the Shuppan News. But Nohon Shuho is slower in pace in recording government publications.
The same questions were asked against the BNB’s weekly listings of 1965. Both Nohon Shuho and BNB are dependent on the existence of national libraries enjoying privilege of copyright deposit. They are printed as lists of copyright deposits and aids for cataloging services. Checking of the entries in the BNB revealed that it listed new publications more promptly than Nohon Shuho did. The cumulated volume of the BNB appears without much delay, while that of Nohon Shuho, Zen Nohon Shuppanbutsu Somokuroku (Japanese National Bibliography), comes out with more than 17 months’ delay. The BNB can be a good example in many ways for the Japanese national bibliography.
In the last chapter, the description of the items listed and the arrangement of the titles were considered.
© 1967 三田図書館学会
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